* Necropolis 13 Voodoo Fire Show: 8pm Friday & Saturday Night
* Necropolis 13 & The 13th Gate open every night through Halloween (6:30 to at least Midnight) then
*Flashlight Fright Nights: November 4th & 5th 6:30 pm -11:30 pm (click the Special Events button above for more information!)
See us on TV:
* CBS Sports National Broadcast of the Florida VS Georgia game 3:30 pm Saturday 10/29/11
* The Travel Channel Presents "Halloween Crazy" featuring The 13th Gate and Necropolis 13!
Sunday, October 30th at 9pm EST
Monday, October 31st at midnight and 8pm EST
* 13th Gate featured locally on MyScene TV Halloween special, this Friday at 11pm on WBXH/WAFB cox 16